woensdag 8 mei 2013

Interesting Celtic Websites

Hi guys!!

I'd like to show you some very interesting ánd useful websites! I use some of them for studying but they are amazing to browse through as well.

A new project by Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies is a website about ogham stones. Ogham stones are found in Ireland and some in Britain, and they usually are inscribed with a name or a place. They are our source for Archaic Irish (the main reason why I love them!) On the website is more general info.
They want to make around
400 Ogham stones available with details ánd 3D images! There are 52 stones online right now, and it's really fascinating to browse through them.

Ogham in 3D

Irish Scripts on Screen
Another website I enjoy using very much is Irish Scripts on Screen (short isos), also by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. This website has facsimiles of a very big corpus of Irish manuscripts! So you can look up the Book of Leinster, the Lebor na hUidre (book of the dun cow) or the Yellow Book of Lecan and leaf through them. Awesome.
Irish Scripts on Screen

Welsh law
This website is a very good starting point if you are interested in the Welsh laws. It has information about the manuscripts, law texts themselves and it sketches a lot of the context of these laws! If you're brave, you can look through the website in Modern Welsh. The research is funded by the University of Wales.
Cyfraith Hywel

Irish Archaeology
Not really a scientific website, but very interesting as well, is this blog on Irish archaeology. It focusses on a broad period of time, and deals not only with Irish stuff. You can follow it on Facebook as well!
Irish Archaeology

Well that's it for now, if I think of more tips for you I will let you know :)



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